English, asked by darf89005, 1 year ago

c. Did he eat food? change it into passivevoice​


Answered by Cynefin

⦿ Active Passive voice

Answer - Was food eaten by him?

[ Here, we have a interrogative Yes-No type question. So, if there is any interrogation in active voice, we have to keep the interrogation in passive voice also. Here, the sentence is started by did, so it has been changed by was]

⦿ Grammer bites:

For the conversion of active to passive voice in interrogative sentences, especially in Yes-No type questions, we need to:

  • Change the sentence into Assertive first, and then interrogative, When it is started with Do/Did/Has/Have/Had etc helping verbs.
  • If the interrogative sentence begins with any other Auxillary verb or a Wh word, it can be directly changed into Passive.


  • Do you see the bird?
  • Is the bird seen by you?

  • Have you read the book?
  • Has the book been read by you?

  • Why did the teacher punish you?
  • Why were you punished by the teacher?


Answered by amritamohanty918



⦿ Active ➝ Passive voice:-

Answer - Was food eaten by him?

[ Here, we have a interrogative Yes-No type question. So, if there is any interrogation in active voice, we have to keep the interrogation in passive voice also. Here, the sentence is started by did, so it has been changed by was]

⦿ More Info:-

For the conversion of active to passive voice in interrogative sentences, especially in Yes-No type questions, we need to:

Change the sentence into Assertive first, and then interrogative, When it is started with Do/Did/Has/Have/Had etc helping verbs.

If the interrogative sentence begins with any other Auxillary verb or a Wh word, it can be directly changed into Passive..

✤ Examples:-

Do you see the bird?

Is the bird seen by you?

Have you read the book?

Has the book been read by you?

Why did the teacher punish you?

Why were you punished by the teacher?

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