Social Sciences, asked by shubhamshubham7546, 6 months ago

C. Explain the terms in one or two sentences :
a) Birth rate b) Death rate
c) Natural growth rate
d) Population explosion
e) Migration
f) Immigrants
g) Emigrants
h) Population pyramid
i) Dependent population
j) Working population Choose the important question in exam​


Answered by bradlamar691


a) Birth Rate: It is the annual number of live births per 1,000 population.

b) Death Rate: It is the annual count of deaths per 1000 in a given particular area's population.

c) Natural Growth Rate: It refers to the difference between the number of live births and the number of deaths occurring in a year, divided by the mid-year population of that year, multiplied by a factor (usually 1,000)

d) Population Explosion: a sudden, large increase in the size of a population.

e) Migration: It refers to the movement of people from one place to another with the intent of settling permanently or temporarily.

f) Immigrants: Those people who move to another country (non-native) with the intent of settling there permanently.

g) Emigrants: Someone who leaves a country or region for another (native).

h) Population Pyramid: It is a graphical illustration that shows the distribution of various age groups in a population.

i) Dependent Population: It is defined as that part of the population that does not work and relies on others for goods and services.

j) Working Population: It refers to the total population of a country that works or is employed.

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