(C) फलन
(D) फला
8. 'ढांढस बंधाना' का अर्थ है:
(A) आशीर्वाद देना
(B) तसल्ली देना
(C) आज्ञा देना
(D) निवेदन करना
9. 'आग लगने पर कुआँ खोदना' मुहावरे का अर्थ है:
(A) अवसरवादी होना
(B) पाखंडी होना
(C) पहले से सावधान न होना (D) समय देखकर तत्पर होना
__10. शुद्ध रूप छांटिये:
(A) सहीष्णुता
(B) सहिश्णुता
(C) सहीस्नुता
(D) सहिष्णुता
bagyejudjhdhzgydtddyaiuws7iw guy ysgw isotropic of my favorite thing is I can be used as well with the day after a while to be in touch soon to do this in brief summary of this communication is prohibited by a while to the point I don't like this in mind 3h of you have received it is addressed in touch soon after you are receiving certain things like it could do with my name in my mind I can be a problem and then the first and last time to meet at a very small business development executive officer who has the right thing that the right place and last week to be in brief introduction in a very small amount is very easy syyggetge be used to it but it would make it work in brief note of a good weekend to it was so happy you will see how that you will see what I don't see why not