Social Sciences, asked by anitapatro, 1 month ago

C. Give short answers for the following questions.
1. What are the factors on which the human capacity to convert natural resources into useful products depend?
2. Which areas of the world are thickly and sparsely populated? Why?
3. Write a short note on change of population.
4. What is the difference in the population pyramid between a developed and an underdeveloped country?​


Answered by Anonymous

  • 1). Education: - it is the first and the most important factor.

  • most important factor.Training: - though the person is well educated but if he is not trained and polished for a particular sector then it'll be wasted.

most important factor.Training: - though the person is well educated but if he is not trained and polished for a particular sector then it'll be wasted.

2) This large mountain range in Asia has low temperatures, poor soil quality and the slopes are too steep for people to live on and cultivate - and so it is sparsely populated. Other locations, such as parts of the UK, are more densely populated because they have flatter land, good soils and a mild climate.

3) Human population change is the difference between the size of the population from the beginning to the end of a certain time period. In other words, population change refers to change in the number of people during a specific time period. As a whole,the world population has not been stable; it has increased manifold.

4) Population profiles in developed countries tend to look more like population columns than pyramids, whereas the profiles of developing countries tend to look more like pyramids. In developing countries, having larger families may be more of a guarantee of support or care in later life.

hope it will help you dear ❣️

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