English, asked by guptaranjeet0870, 2 months ago

C. Imagine you are a newspaper de porter and you attended the launch of a new health fruit drink, mainly meant for children of all age groups, at Siddharth Hotel in Mumbai. Write's report and select an appropriate heading. You may use the clues given here. Imagine that the product was launched by Sachin Tendulkar. New fruit drink called 'Health Sip'-launched by 'Nutrition Drinks' company-at Sidharth Hotel, Mumbai-children attended in large numbers-Sachin Tendulkar attended the launch-it contains pure fruit juice without added colours, sugar or preservatives—available in two flavours apple-free cans were distributed to all—T-shirts with Health Sip’ printed on them were distributed—will soon be available at all leading stores. - orange and ​


Answered by kant46651


I. What is the purpose of the objects traded in the Kula ring?

A. They are used as currency to buy necessities

B. They are a sign of status depending on the original owner

C. They can be eaten

D. They are used for building huts

Justify Your Answer:

II. What differentiates a gift exchange from barter?

A. Only items of hte same kind can be gifted

B. Neither party knows what they're getting until after the fact

C. It's done without haggling or waiting to see the other party's offer

D. Only one party receives anything

Justify Your Answer:

III. What is the most important element in a gift economy?

A. Social relationships between givers and receivers

B. The types of objects being gifted

C. The amount of the gift

D. How much the gift can be sold for on the open market

Justify Your Answer:

IV. In a gift economy, how could reciprocating a gift with one of the same value be interpreted?

A. 'I am reliable and responsible'

B. 'Our business is concluded and I wish to have no further dealings'

C. I am stingy'

D. 'I would like a different sort of gift next time'

Justify Your Answer:

V. What are some modern-day examples of gift economies?

A. Burning Man

B. Potlatch feasts

C. The open-source movement

D. All of the above

Justify Your Answer:

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