Biology, asked by tushargreeat, 1 year ago

C) On addin
1 How do guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pores?
2. In what form plants absorb nitrogen?
3 How is wall of stomach protected from the effect of HCI?
4 What is the significance of emulsification of fat?
5 Why do fishes die when taken out of water?
6 In which vertebrate heart does not pump oxygenated blood to different parts of body.

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Answered by dikshapanvelkar26
1 guard cells regulate opera ing and closing of stomata with the help of water concentration ions that Is if there is less water concentration in the plant the guard cells will open and for the vice versa it will Close
2 nitrates
3 there is mucus present on the walls of the stomach which prevents the stomach from the effect of HCL that is mucus protects the stomach from corrosive action of acid
Answered by vashishtareddy9003
Fishes die out when taken out of water because gills present in fish can breathe the oxygen present in water, can not breathe oxygen present in air that’s way fish doe when taken out of water.
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