c++ program for a area of rectangle
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#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int length,breath,area_rec=0,parameter=0; clrscr(); cout<<"Enter Length and Breath of Rectangle: "; cin>>length>>breath; area_rec=length*breath; parameter=2*(length+breath); cout<<"\nArea of Ractangle: "cout<<area_rec; cout<<"\nParameters of Rectangle: "cout<<parameter; getch(); }
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Program for the area of the rectangle
Insert the length of the rectangle: 15.35
Insert the breadth of the rectangle: 12.36
Area of the rectangle: 189.726
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//main method
int main()
//declare the double type variables
double length, breadth;
//print message and get input from the user
cout<<"Insert the length of the rectangle: ";
//print message and get input from the user
cout<<"Insert the breadth of the rectangle: ";
//perform the calculation
double area = length*breadth;
//print the following result
cout << "Area of the rectangle: "<<area;
The following are the description of the program.
- Set the required header file and namespace then, declare the main method and inside the main function.
- Declare the two double data type variables i.e., 'length' and 'breadth'.
- Then, print the following message and get the input from the user in both variables.
- Finally, we perform the following calculation and print the result with message.
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