English, asked by sumeetkumar606, 1 year ago

Read the following sentences and change the nouns printed in bold into singular
form. Make any changes if required.
1. The war heroes were given a standing ovation.
2. Mathematics requires much practice. 3. There are dozens of eggs kept in the basket-
4. The daughters-in-law prepared dinner for the guests.
5. The commanders-in-chief gave orders to the soldiers.
These cacti grow very slowly.
7. The diaries were given to the children.
8. She went to the dentist to get her teeth extracted.
9. Paper should not be wasted.
10. I kept a dozen gift wrapping sheets in the drawer.
Ts +1​


Answered by eshadesh325
  1. The war hero was given a standing ovation.
  2. Math requires practice.
  3. There is an egg in the basket.
  4. the daughter-in-law prepared dinner for the guests.
  5. The commander in chief gave orders to the soldiers.
  6. This cactus grows very slowly.
  7. The diary was given to the child.
  8. She went to the detist to get her tooth extracted.
  9. Paper should not be wasted. (No change)
  10. I kept a gift wrapping sheet in the drawer.

Nothing was written in bold, so I did not know which noun had to be changed to singular in the sentences with more than one noun.


Answered by anupamaandarchana01


1. The war hero was given a standing ovation.

2. Math requires practice.

3. There is an egg in the basket.

4. The daughter in law prepared dinner for the guest.

5. The commander in chief give orders to the soldiers.

6. This cactus grows very slow.

7. The dairy was given to the child.

8. She went to the detist to get her tooth extracted.

9. Paper should not be wasted. ( No Change )

10. I kept a gift wrapping sheet in the drawer.

B. Read the following sentences and change the noun printed in bold their plural form. Make any other change if required.


  1. The lady told the children and interesting tale.
  2. Jagan's answers were not correct.
  3. The old houses are made of stone.
  4. This knives are quite sharp.
  5. The scenery is beautiful.
  6. My mother said that cacti grow in desert.
  7. Armies were told to march forward.
  8. Ladies were in a cheerful mood.
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