C . State the location, structure and function [one point each] of the
following tissues as named and seen in the picture seen below:
Areolar tissue:
Areolar tissue is found in many locations around the body.
One important area is the skin (areolar tissue is found in both the dermis and sub-cutaneous layers of the skin - see diagram). The areolar tissue located in the skin binds the outer layers of the skin to the muscles beneath.
Areolar tissue is also found in or around mucous membranes, and around blood vessels, nerves, and the organs of the body.
Areolar Tissue is loose connective tissue that consists of a meshwork of collagen, elastic tissue, and reticular fibres - with many connective tissue cells in between the meshwork of fibres.
The fibres that form the mesh structure of areolar tissue include:
Collagen Fibres
Elastic Fibres
Reticular Fibres
The different types of cells embedded within the areolar tissue include:
Plasma Cells
Mast Cells, and
Areolar tissue binds skin to the muscles beneath.
This loose connective tissue also forms a link between organs - while also enabling a high degree of movement between adjacent body parts.
The key functions of areolar tissue can be summarised as providing:
Strength, and
adipose tissue:
Definition: A type of specialized connective tissue whose main functions are to store the energy, protect the organs and contribute to the endocrine profile of the body
Types: Depending on location; parietal fat and visceral fat
Depending on structure; white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue
Structure: Adipocytes (white, brown and beige)
Thin extracellular matrix consisting of reticular fibers
Function: Energy storing, hormone production, thermal isolation (white adipose tissue); thermogenesis (brown adipose tissue)