C. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Anther is a swollen roundish structure present on the filament of stamen.
2. Style is filamentous while stigma is bilobed.
3. Non-essential whorls of a flower are also called accessory whorls. 4. Allogamy and cross-pollination signify same process.
5. Marigold and jasmine have features to attract insects.
6. Pistillate flowers have long and slender stalks to reach up to the water surface.
Answered by
1. False, as anther is bilobed.
2. False, as Stigma is not bilobed.
3. True
4. False, as allogamy can also results in geitonogamy, which is genetically and functionally self fertilization.
5. True through fragrance.
6. True, it is adaptation for pollination.
hope this will help you
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