English, asked by nitumoniborah518, 7 months ago

c. State whether the verbs in the following sentences are used transitively or
intransitively. State the object in case of transitive verbs. One has been done
for you.
1. Heat expands metals.
Transitive verb-expands (object-metals)
2. The lion roars. Transel
3. The secret is out.
4. The milk is cold.
5. She raised his hands.
6. Metals expand on heating.
7. The driver stopped the car.
8. The car stopped abruptly.
9. The ship sank suddenly.
10. You must speak the truth.​


Answered by omsingh953637


  1. gudycoucohochocigxgix
  2. uxxuzfuufxtxitxitditdtdt
  3. d9d8tdtdiydy89yf9ydydtdit
  4. 55ra7rst7std8y
  5. ditditdtd8tdtd
  6. sitdoydyodyody
  7. cotdoyodyfoyfoyodhfoy
  8. foyfydtdtdiyididtiuttd
  9. xitdoydoyditdtiidyi
Answered by afridirahman2700


6 Intransitive 7 Transitive 8 Intransitive 9 Intransitive 10 Transitive

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