(c) What are electrophiles and nucleophiles
(d) Write IUPAC name and structure of functional isomer of propanal
Class 11th question chemistry
C) Electrophiles are electron seeking or electron deficient in nature. They attract negatively charged species or attack at negative end of the molecule. They can be neutral or cationic. Neutral- BF3, AlCl3 (both have 6 electrons in their valence shell so gain electron to complete their octet). Cationic – NO2+, Cl+ (have positive charge so electron deficient).
Nucleophiles are nucleus seeking or electron rich in nature. They attract positively charged species or attack at positive end of the molecule. They can be neutral or anionic. Neutral- NH 3 , H 2 O (both have lone pair of e- which can be donated) Anionic – CN - , OH - , Cl - etc. (have excess electron so e- rich).
The reaction based on the role of nucleophiles are termed as nucleophilic reaction (nucleophilic substitution reaction)
The reaction based on the role of electrophiles are termed as electrophilic reaction (electrophilc aromatic substitution).
D) IUPAC nomenclature is a system of naming chemical compounds and of describing the science of chemistry in global label and it is accepted in all over the world. It is developed and approved by International Union of pure and applied chemistry.
For ex: C2H5-OH is termed as ethyl alcohol by general names while its IUPAC name is Ethanol.
Functional isomers are the compounds
that have same molecular formula but
different functional groups. The
functional isomers of the propanal is
propanone beacuse both contains
carbonyl groups.
A. Electrophiles: Electron loving species. Eg Na+, BF3,K+
Nucleophiles: Nucleus loving species. Eg OH-, NH3, H2O,Cl-
B. Functional isomer of Propanal------Propanone
Structure of Propanone CH3−O∣∣C−CH3