English, asked by sumitjanghale, 8 months ago

C) Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges on “Importance of listening to


Answered by Kumkumjena

Myself: Hello, how are you?

Friend: I am fine. And you?

Myself: I am also fine. What are you doing now?

Friend: I am reading a story book.

Myself: Do you read any newspaper regularly?

Friend: Yes. It’s “The daily Independent.”

Myself: It’s nice. Do you think reading newspaper regularly is essential?

Friend: Certainly. In fact, it’s a storehouse of general knowledge.

Myself: Do you think newspaper plays any role in the modern civilization?

Friend: Yes. I am learn about the current affairs of the world through the newspaper I read.

Myself: Then it certainly presents the news and views on world tread and commerce, films, games and sports etc.

Friend: Yes, you are right. These all are available in newspaper.

Myself: Now, what’s your suggestion for others regrading this?

Friend: I just want to say that everyone should read at least one newspaper daily.

Myself: Thank you very much for your kind suggestion.

Friend: It’s ok. Thank you too

Answered by manasi1978


A: Do you love to listen stories

B: Yes I love it

A: Do you know the importance of listening stories

B: little bit

A: well let me tell you the importance of listening stories

B: ok

A: so first importance is that our vocabulary increases second is we get morals from stories third is we can get useful thought

B: thank you for giving me such information

A: yours most welcome

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