English, asked by nikhilshingane684, 2 months ago

C1. Correct the sentence with justification. ‘The play is restricted to only a part of the Woods.’ (2)

C2. Justify : ‘A Midsummer Night Dream’ is a comedy of errors.​


Answered by anifangke813


Q1 T,he pla,y ta,kes pla,ce in diff,erent pa,rts of the Wo,ods . The sc,enes with He,rm,ia , He,l,en,a , Ly,s,ander , and De,met,rius take place in one part of the Woods , while that with Tita,nia and Bott,om takes place in another part and those with the group of wo,rkmen take place in a diff,erent part of the same Woo,ds .

Q2 Co,medy of E,rrors refers to a s,eries of ri,di,cu,lo,u,s events that are a result of either mistaken ident,ities or the mistakes made by f,O,O,L,I,S,H people . This inst,ance of mistaken identity is a comedy of er,r,or as it creates tro,u,ble for all four humans in the woods - Ly,sa,n,der , De,me,t,riu,s , H,el,ena , and H,er,mia

Please ignore the , in the answer.

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