English, asked by chauhanpanchamsingh, 4 months ago

C2. Identify the adjectives in this poem and write the degree of
adjectives used in each case.
The pen is mightier than the sword,
As supreme as my Lord. comparative
I wrote good words on a page positive
And wished to take them on stage.
I wrote and wrote verses on pages,
Some on trees and some on sages.
As time rolled by, I grew older,
And started collecting all my writings in a folder
What better course would I follow
Than to build thoughts out of hollow.
A good book I wish to write
On being a better human and being upright.​


Answered by berasoumi94


C2. mighter= comparative degree (adjective)

supreme= positive degree (adjective)

good=positive degree (adjective)

some=positive degree(adjective)

older=comparative degree (adjective)

better=comparative degree (adjective)

hollow=positive degree(adjective)

all adjectives i get from the passage.

it is the answer of your question.

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