चिह्नो के प्रकार बताउ मुझे
विराम चिन्ह के प्रकार
पूर्ण विराम (।)
अर्द्ध विराम (;)
अल्प विराम (,)
आश्चर्य चिन्ह (!) या विस्मयादि चिन्ह
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उप विराम (अपूर्ण विराम) (:)
The principal
XYZ public school
Jai vihar, New Delhi
Date = 3 December20XX
Respected Madam,
Subject :- Application for one day leave
I humbly request that I am a student of class X of your school. On returning home from school yesterday, my bicycle collided with a scooter, resulting in an injury to my hand. According to the doctor, it will definitely take at least 1 day to heal. Therefore, I will not be able to attend school one day. I request you to grant me leave on 4 December. The doctor's certificate is attached to the application.
Thank you
Yours obediently
Roll No - 47