चित्र में कौन-सी प्रक्रिया हो रही है

fusion of gametes
Concave mirrors are used in certain types of astronomical telescopes called reflecting telescopes. The mirrors condense lots of light from faint sources in space onto a much smaller viewing area and allow the viewer to see far away objects and events in space that would be invisible to the naked eye.
Light rays travel towards the mirror in a straight line and are reflected inwards to meet at a point called the focal point.
Concave mirrors are useful for make-up mirrors because they can make things seem larger. This concave shape is also useful for car headlights and satellite dishes.
Convex mirrors
Convex mirrors curve outwards, like the outside of a balloon.
It is possible to make mirrors that behave like humps or troughs, and because of the different way they reflect light, they can be very useful.