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Bank Account Balances
Bank account balance maintenance and reporting is supported for all internal bank accounts in the system that are defined in Oracle Cash Management. For each bank account, you can keep track of multiple bank account balance types including: ledger, available, value dated, 1-day float, 2-day float, projected month-to-date average, and year-to-date average. Reporting tools are available to view all this centrally stored balance history for trend analysis as well as to compare actual versus projected balances. Additionally, the system enables you to verify interest amounts charged or credited by banks based on balance history and user-defined interest rate schedules
Input Bank Account Balances Data Manually
You can enter any bank account balance values manually and you can enter the balances for one bank account for multiple dates or multiple bank accounts for one date.
Load Bank Account Balances From Bank Statements
The Bank Statement Loader program recognizes the following balances reported on the bank statement and populates any new balance values accordingly:
Ledger Balance
Available Balance
Interest Calculated Balance
1 Day Float and 2 Day Float
Average Closing Ledger MTD
Average Closing Ledger YTD
Average Closing Available MTD
Average Closing Available YTD
Store Projected Bank Account Balance
Projected bank account balance can be entered manually or populated automatically during cash positioning. In order to capture the projected closing balances automatically, when viewing the cash position results by bank account, select Save Projected Balances button.