Math, asked by tejaswinidas8386, 1 year ago

calculate sample variance of the response/dependent using anova table


Answered by avanesh10017
ANOVA for Regression

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) consists of calculations that provide information about levels of variability within a regression model and form a basis for tests of significance. The basic regression line concept, DATA = FIT + RESIDUAL, is rewritten as follows: 
(yi - ) = (i - ) + (yi - i). 
The first term is the total variation in the response y, the second term is the variation in mean response, and the third term is the residual value. Squaring each of these terms and adding over all of the n observations gives the equation 
(yi - )² = (i - )² + (yi - i)². 
This equation may also be written asSST = SSM + SSE, where SS is notation for sum of squares and T, M, and E are notation for total, model, anderror, respectively.

The square of the sample correlationis equal to the ratio of the model sum of squares to the total sum of squares:r² = SSM/SST. 
This formalizes the interpretation of r² as explaining the fraction of variability in the data explained by the regression model.

The sample variance sy² is equal to (yi - )²/(n - 1) = SST/DFT, the total sum of squares divided by the total degrees of freedom (DFT). 
For simple linear regression, the MSM (mean square model) = (i - )²/(1) = SSM/DFM, since the simple linear regression model has one explanatory variable x. 
The corresponding MSE (mean square error) = (yi - i)²/(n - 2) = SSE/DFE, the estimate of the variance about the population regression line (²).

ANOVA calculations are displayed in an analysis of variance table, which has the following format for simple linear regression:

Source Degrees of Freedom Sum of squares Mean Square F Model 1 (i-)² SSM/DFM MSM/MSE Error n - 2 (yi-i)² SSE/DFE Total n - 1 (yi-)² SST/DFT

The "F" column provides a statistic for testing the hypothesis that 1 0 against the null hypothesis that 1 = 0. The test statistic is the ratio MSM/MSE, the mean square model term divided by the mean square error term. When the MSM term is large relative to the MSE term, then the ratio is large and there is evidence against the null hypothesis.

For simple linear regression, the statistic MSM/MSE has an F distribution with degrees of freedom (DFM, DFE) = (1, n - 2).


The dataset "Healthy Breakfast" contains, among other variables, the Consumer Reports ratings of 77 cereals and the number of grams of sugar contained in each serving. (Data source: Free publication available in many grocery stores. Dataset available through the Statlib Data and Story Library (DASL).)

Considering "Sugars" as the explanatory variable and "Rating" as the response variable generated the following regression line:
Rating = 59.3 - 2.40 Sugars (see Inference in Linear Regression for more information about this example).

The "Analysis of Variance" portion of the MINITAB output is shown below. The degrees of freedom are provided in the "DF" column, the calculated sum of squares terms are provided in the "SS" column, and the mean square terms are provided in the "MS" column.

Analysis of Variance Source DF SS MS F P Regression 1 8654.7 8654.7 102.35 0.000 Error 75 6342.1 84.6 Total 76 14996.8

In the ANOVA table for the "Healthy Breakfast" example, the F statistic is equal to 8654.7/84.6 = 102.35. The distribution is F(1, 75), and the probability of observing a value greater than or equal to 102.35 is less than 0.001. There is strong evidence that 1 is not equal to zero.

The r² term is equal to 0.577, indicating that 57.7% of the variability in the response is explained by the explanatory variable.

ANOVA for Multiple Linear Regression

Multiple linear regression attempts to fit a regression line for a response variable using more than one explanatory variable. The ANOVA calculations for multiple regression are nearly identical to the calculations for simple linear regression, except that the degrees of freedom are adjusted to reflect the number of explanatory variables included in the model.

For p explanatory variables, the model degrees of freedom (DFM) are equal to p, the error degrees of freedom (DFE) are equal to (n - p - 1), and the total degrees of freedom (DFT) are equal to (n - 1), the sum of DFM and DFE.

The corresponding ANOVA table is shown below:

Source Degrees of Freedom Sum of squares Mean Square F Model p (i-)² SSM/DFM MSM/MSE Error n - p - 1 (yi-i)² SSE/DFE Total n - 1 (yi-)² SST/DFT

In multiple regression, the test statistic MSM/MSE has an F(p, n - p - 1) distribution.

The null hypothesis states that 1 = 2 = ... = p = 0, and the alternative hypothesis simply states that at least one of the parameters j 0, j = 1, 2, ,,, p. Large values of the test statistic provide evidence against the null hypothesis.

Note: The F test does not indicate which of the parameters j is not equal to zero, only that at least one of them is linearly related to the response variable.

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