Calculate the atomic percentage of carbon in mild steel containing 0.2wt% of
I hope it helps..
The maximum percentage of carbon in steel range from 0.02 to 2.1%.
Depending on the carbon percentage, steels are classified into
Mild steel: 0.02–0.05%
Medium carbon steel: 0.05–1%
High carbon steel: 1–2.1%
High carbon steels are also called tool steel or carbon steel.
The more the carbon content the more hard and brittle the steel becomes. Going beyond 2.1% carbon, we obtain cast iron. After melting iron at 1539°C and cooling down slowly simultaneously adding carbon into iron lattice, carbon atoms occupies interstitial sites between the iron atoms. Thus iron carbide is formed as interstitial solid solution. The maximum solubility of carbon atoms in iron lattice is 6.67%. That can be seen in iron carbide phase diagram.