Calculate the local time at Dhaka 90 degree E when it is 6 pm at Greenwich. *
There is your answer friend

When time is 6 P.M. at Greenwich, the local time at Dhaka 90°E will be 12 A.M.
The line in Greenwich depicts Longitude 0º. The distance east or west from Greenwich line is generally used to measure position of every place on Earth.
On Earth, the time difference is equal to four minutes for each degree of longitude. The Greenwich meridian Time or (GMT) is 12 noon represents 12 P.M.
When the time taken to east longitude the time is added into 12 P.M.
To find the local time of Dhaka located at 90° East
So as we mentioned before, every 1 degree = 4 minutes
For 90° the time will shift = 90 × 4 = 360 minutes = 6 hrs
For East direction, the time is ahead of GMT.
Therefore, the local time of Dhaka 90°E = = 6 P.M. + 6 hrs = 12 A.M.
Therefore, the local time at 90° East will be 12 A.M. when it is 6 P.M. at Greenwich meridian.
To know more about "Number of longitudes in time zone"
To know more about "Time zone"