Calculate the local time of London when it is 12 noon at mirzapur , UP in India
7:30 AM in London.
We know that the time zone of India is 4 hours and 30 minutes ahead of London, United kingdom. And India follows the same time zone irrespective of different states of the country whether it be Gujarat or Assam, the time remains the same. By this calculation, the time in London at 12 noon in India will be 4 hours 30 minutes before 12. i.e. 7:30 AM in London.
IST is calculated on the basis of 82.5° E longitude.
This line passes through many Indian cities including Mirzapur which lies nea to Allahabad.
The longitude and latitude difference between Vindhyachal, Mizapur and the United Kingdom's Royal Observatory at Greenwich is at a different of + 5 hours 30 minutes.
So, if it is 12 PM in Mirzapur UP, then it would be 5:30 PM in the United Kingdom'