calculate the product of odd number between one & fifty step by step ,then draw the flow chart.
Ask a friend to help you. Give him two pieces of paper.
Tell him/her to write 11 on a piece of scratch paper
(deliberately blank)
Tell him to print that number on the main piece of paper
Tell him to add 2 to the number on the scratch paper and cross out the old number.
Go back to step 2 (telling him to print each new number below the old numbers).
Keep repeating steps 2, 3 and 4.
Step Two:
Translate each of these steps into portions of a flow chart
Set a value equal to 11
(delibrately blank)
Print that value to the output device
Add two to your value
Go back to step 2 to print the new value
(keep repeating steps 2, 3, 4)
What did we forget?
We have an infinite loop.
We need some kind of method to end our infinite loop.
You might insert a step 2:
2. If the number on scratch paper is greater than 50, STOP
Your Turn: create a flow chart from these steps.