Physics, asked by pintoo8, 1 year ago

calculate the proper time interval between occurrence of two event .the separation between the two intertial frame events is 7.5*10°8 m and The time interval is 6.5s ?


Answered by Anonymous
The course this question comes from is Modern Physics

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

What is the proper time interval between two events if in some inertial reference frame the events are separated by 109m and 5s?

2. Relevant equations

I looked through my notes and under a the sub topic "Invariant Intervals" I found this equation:

(Interval)2= c2 [time separation]2-[space separation]2

3. The attempt at a solution

I'm just having trouble understanding what exactly is being asked here. I tried plugging in the values given into the equation but ran into trouble with the units.

I also dont just want to plug in values into the equation without actually understanding what I'm actually looking for. I think this probably has something to do with special relativity since something traveling at 2x108m/s is obviously traveling close to the speed of light

Oh and this was the results of my attempt:

(Interval)2= (3x108m/s)2 [(5s)2-(109m)2]

(Interval)2= 2.25x1018m2-9x1034m4/s2

pintoo8: thanks again
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