Physics, asked by gloriadjangh, 1 year ago

calculate the radiation dose in rem per year (365 days) for the lungs of a weapons plant employee who inhales and retains an activity of 1.0μCi plutonium-239 in an accident. The mass of the affected lung tissue is 2.0 kg and the plutonium-239 in an accident. The mass of the affected lung tissue is 2.0 kg and the plutonium decays by emission of 5.23-MeV alpha particle. Assume a RBE value of 20


Answered by topwriters

Ionizing energy deposited per year = 0.979 J


Dose in Sv = dose Gy *  RBE where RBE is the biological effectiveness.

Converting activity into Bq, we get:

R = 1.00 * 3.7 * 10^4

  = 3.7 * 10^4 Bq

  = 3.7 * 10^4 decay / sec (3.1* 10^7)

  = 1.17 * 10^12

The emission of plutonium per decay E = 5.23 MeV / decay

 = 5.23 MeV/ decay (1.17 * 10^12 decay) (1.6 * 10^-13 J / 1 MeV)

 = 0.979 J

Ionizing energy deposited per year = 0.979 J

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