calculate the ratio ofSpontaneous to Stimulated emission
What a question.. ...
supper hero bro....
A laser is an oscillator that operates at very high frequencies. These optical frequencies range to values several orders of magnitude higher than
can be achieved by the “conventional” approaches of solid-state electronics or electron tube technology. In common with electronic circuit
oscillators, a laser is constructed from an amplifier with an appropriate amount of positive feedback. The acronym LASER, which stands
for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, is in reality
therefore a slight misnomer†.
In this chapter we shall consider the fundamental processes whereby
amplification at optical frequencies can be obtained. These processes
involve the fundamental atomic nature of matter. At the atomic level
matter is not a continuum, it is composed of discrete particles — atoms,
molecules or ions. These particles have energies that can have only
certain discrete values. This discreteness or quantization, of energy is
intimately connected with the duality that exists in nature. Light sometimes behaves as if it were a wave and in other circumstances it behaves
as if it were composed of particles. These particles, called photons, carry
the discrete packets of energy associated with the wave. For light of frequency ν the energy of each photon is hν, where h is Planck’s constant
— 6.6 × 10−34 J s. The energy hν is the quantum of energy associated