Calculate the time from 10:15 pm on one day to 5:05 pm on the next day
13 hours and 55 minutes?
1 hour 45 min to get to noon+12 hoursfor 12 am+5 hours 5 minutes for 5pm the next day
Step-by-step explanation:
Final Answer:
The time from 10:15 pm on one day to 5:05 pm on the next day is 13 hrs 50 mins.
The given timings are 10:15 pm on one day and 5:05 pm on the next day.
To Find:
The time from 10:15 pm on one day to 5:05 pm on the next day
The following points are sufficient for finding this solution.
- There are 24 hours present in a day.
- These twenty-four hours are divided into two cycles of twelve hours.
- The morning cycle is associated with A.M, while the night cycle is denoted with P.M.
Step 1 of 4
The time from 10:15 pm on one day to 12 pm on the same day is
Step 2 of 4
Again, the time from 12 am on one day to 5.05 am on the same day is
Step 3 of 4
Finally, from the time from 5: 05 am on one day to 5:05 pm on the same day is
Step 4 of 4
So, the aggregate time from 10:15 pm on one day to 5:05 pm on the next day is
Therefore, the required time in the stipulated timings is 13 hrs 50 mins.
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