Biology, asked by roybaibhab042, 2 months ago

Calculate the yield in formula
Spacing -75× 30 om
No of cobs of plants- 2.
Number of row per column - 10
of seed per row - 25

& TW 250g, ​


Answered by Divyanshu2610



Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of Fort Hare, P. Bag X1314, Alice 5700, South Africa


Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), P.O. Box 2123, Messa, Yaounde, Cameroon


Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important annual cereal crops in the world, providing a staple food, and being used as source of income for many populations in developing countries. The way maize is processed and consumed greatly varies from country to country, with maize flour and meal being the most popular products [1,2]. It is an important source of carbohydrate for human diets in developing countries and for animal feed in the developed world [3].

Evans and Fisher [4] defined yield as being the mass of product at final harvest, with specified dry matter content. Crop yield is broadly defined as the amount of harvest product in a specific area (amount of harvest products/crop area) [5]. The grain yield of maize depends on the genetic potential of the genotype used, the characteristics of the soil, the field management practices, and agro-climatic factors [6,7]. Potential yield refers to the maximum yield that can be attained by a crop in a given environment [4]. Potential yield is largely determined by a specific combination of factors, such as solar radiation, soil type, temperature, plant density, genetic potential of a given genotype, biotic and abiotic constraints [8,9,10]. However, realized yield, also known as attainable yield, obtained by a farmer is more frequently influenced by poor agricultural practices [9]. Maize yields can be estimated for different purposes, including marketing, estimation of storage requirements, organizing harvest equipment, making decisions about pests and diseases, and for crop improvement. Maize yield estimates are also used to forecast production, and thus contribute to the estimation of food security status at district, provincial, and national levels.


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