Calculating gini coefficient for states in india
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The prevalence of disparities in the living standard across states is the outcome of income
inequality. Inequality can be defined as a deviation from equality where any individual unit is
receiving less than his proportionate share of aggregate income. This state is referred to as
relative deprivation, whereas absolute deprivation is equated with poverty, wherein one is not
getting sufficient enough to survive. Inequality is often studied as part of broader analysis
covering poverty and welfare both. But these three concepts (inequality, poverty and welfare) are
distinct. It is in the fitness of things to judge the difference among these three concepts here
because all these three concepts have been studied in different chapters in the study. Inequality is
broader concept than poverty because the former is defined over the whole distribution and not
only the censored distribution of individuals or households below a certain poverty line.
Moreover income at the top and in the middle of the distribution may be as important as those at
the bottom.
On the other hand, inequality is much narrower concept than welfare. Although both of
these capture the whole distribution of a given indicator, inequality is independent of the mean of
the distribution (desirable property) and instead solely concerned with the dispersion of the
distribution. However these three concepts are closely related and are sometime used in
composite measure (Litchfield ,1999).
Income inequality among the regions has been rising and the growing divide between the
richer states and poorer states deserve the immediate attention of policy makers and public.
Rising income inequality matters not only because it raises basic issue of equity and fairness but
because it affects our economic and political system in adverse manner. Moreover, the concept
of regional distribution of income is extremely relevant in the economic development of India
too. In this context that, we think, it is important to examine whether regional disparities across
states in India have been increasing over the years. Accordingly this chapter has been divided
into five sections. The first Section is introduction itself. Second section throws light on the
rationale behind studying inequality and its measurement through various methods and
technique. The extent of income inequality based on chosen measures of inequality is presented
in Section III. In Section IV the issue of convergence
Answered by
The prevalence of disparities in the living standard across states is the outcome of income inequality. Inequality can be defined as a deviation from equality where any individual unit is receiving less than his proportionate share of aggregate income. This state is referred to as relative deprivation, whereas absolute deprivation is equated with poverty, wherein one is not getting sufficient enough to survive. Inequality is often studied as part of broader analysis covering poverty and welfare both. But these three concepts (inequality, poverty and welfare) are distinct
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