campylotropus ovule found in
There are six types of ovules which are formed in angiosperms and the most common type is anatropous ovule.
1. Anatropous ovule - In this type, the body of the ovule becomes completely inverted during the development such that micropyle lies very close to the funicle. For example, gamopetalae members.
2. Orthotropous ovule - The body of ovule is erect and straight such that hilum, chalaza and micropyle lie in straight line. For example, Polygonum.
3. Hemitropous ovule- The body of ovule is placed transversely at right angles to the funicle. The micropyle and chalaza lie in one straight line. For example, Ranunculus.
4. Campylotropous ovule- The body of ovule is curved and bent round so that the micropyle and chalaza do not lie in the same straight line. For example, leguminosae.
5. Amphitropous ovule- The curvature of the ovule is very much pronounced and the embryo sac also becomes curved. For example, Butomaceae.
6. Circinotropous ovule- The nucellus and axis are in the same straight line in the beginning but due to rapid growth on one side the ovule becomes anatropous. For example, Opuntia.