can any on tell how this 21 came
(compound interest )
Step-by-step explanation:
earn , learn, control, take, report, gallop, come , paralyze, replace, manipulate
Price of essential is such a crucial factor that it directly (a) — the life and living of the majority people. The measures so far (b) -- by the government (c) -- appreciation from the people. But it is (d) - by despair as the majority of the people () - under the cursing burden of (f) - prices. It (g) that the business syndicate (h) - the market prices and the retailers (1) out of their evil lust. Moreover, the enforcement bodies are () - to have been involved in illegal extortionist.
Step-by-step explanation:
An acid is any substance that in water solution tastes sour, changes blue litmus paper to red, reacts with some metals to liberate hydrogen, reacts with bases to form salts, and promotes chemical reactions (acid catalysis).