can any one solve it

a excess water supply prevents air from entering into the crops causing the crops to die
b grains are not stored because they may get fungus if they are wet or have moisture
c overuse of pesticides causes pollution of ground water and near by water bodies
A) excess water can damage crops Plants need water to live, but, if we supply them with excess water, the plant die. The roots live under the soil, the roots too need oxygen to live. . And also, if the root still has air, plants will need vital minerals, the minerals get wiped off by the excess water, with out vital minerals, plant dies. This process is called waterlogging
B)If freshly harvested grains are stored without drying they may get spoilt or attacked by microorganisms, loosing their germination capacity. Hence, before storing them the grains are properly dried in the sun to reduce moisture in them. This prevents the attack by insects, pests, bacteria and fungi. Hence they are not stored without sun drying
C) Overuse of pesticides should be avoided because these pesticides after spraying on plant may enter the food chain and cause poisoning in other organisms