can any one tell all science elements. like Co2 etc.
I hope this will help u...
Plz mark it as brainliest.. Plz
1.Hydrogen = H
2.Helium = He
3. Lithium = Li
4. Beryllium = Be
5. Boron = B
6. Carbon = C
7. Nitrogen = N
8. Oxygen = O
9. Flourine = F
10. Neon = Ne
11. Sodium = Na
12. Magnesium = Mg
13. Aluminium = Al
14. Silicon = Si
15. Phosphorus = P
16. Sulphur = S
17. Chlorine = Cl
18. Argon = Ar
19. Potassium = K
20. Calcium = Ca
21. Scandium = Sc
22. Titanium = Ti
23. Vanadium = V
24. Chromium = Cr
25. Manganese = Mn
26. Iron = Fe
27. Cobalt = Co
28. Nikel = Ni
29. Copper = Cu
30. Zinc = Zn
31. Gallium = Ga
32. Germanium = Ge
33. Arsenic = As
34. Selenium = Se
35. Bromine = Br
36. Krypton = Kr
37. Rubidium = Rb
38. Strontium = Sr
39. Yttrium = Y
40. Zirconium = Zr
41. Niobium = Nb
42. Molybdenium = Mo
43. Technetium = Tc
44. Ruthenium = Ru
45. Rhadium = Rh
46. Palladium = Pd
47. Silver = Ag
48. Cadmium = Cd
49. Indium = In
50. Tin = Sn
if you are satisfy with my ans then mark me as a brainlist.
if there is something wrong then kindly rectify it.
There are more element if you want than i will edit thid ans and add more of them that you want