English, asked by annrosefigarado, 6 months ago

Can anyone answer all the questions answers of the chapter fair play ncert class 6? ​


Answered by Limafahar

Working with the text

A. Match the sentences under I with those under Il

under 1

Jumman and Algu

were the best

of friends.

Jumman’s aunt t

ransferred her

property to him.

The aunt decided

to appeal to the


Algu was unwilling

to support the aunt.

Jumman was very

happy to hear Algu’s

name as head Panch.

under 2

In the absence of one,

the other took care of his family

The condition was that he would

be responsible for her welfare.

She wanted justice.

The bond of friendship between

him and Jumman was very strong.

He believed that his friend would

never go against him.

B. Who says this to whom and why?


1. Jumman says this to his aunt because his aunt was asking for a monthly allowance.

2. Jumman’s aunt says this to Algu because he was unwilling to support the aunt by going against Jumman.

3. Algu says this to Jumman when Algu is made a Panch by Jumman’s aunt. He said this because he wanted to be unbiased.

4. Sahu said so to Algu because the bullock that Algu had given to Sahu died in a month and Sahu had not paid Algu for the bullock.

5. Algu shouts this to the people around when Jumman gives a fair judgement.

C. Answer the following questions.

1Answer: The situation of the aunt in Jumman’s house changed. Earlier she was being taken care of but things changed and she was ill-treated.

2Answer: She suggested that she gets monthly allowance from Jumman as she could not handle the insult any more. She wanted to cook separately.

3Answer: Villager’s gave mixed reactions. Some sympathized with her, some laughed at her and some others said that she should try to make up with Jumman and his wife.

4Answer: Jumman was happy over Algu’s nomination as head Panch because Algu was his friend and he knew that he would not give a judgement that goes against him.

5Answer: She meant to remind Algu that Panch holds a position equal to God so he should never be biased. He should be just and fair.

6Answer: Algu gave a verdict that shocked Jumman. He asked Jumman to pay monthly allowance to his aunt. Jumman was very upset at this judgement and he began to consider Algu as his enemy.

7Answer: Algu had sold a bullock to Sahu. Sahu had promised that he will pay for the bullock in a month. But the bullock died within a month.

8Answer: Algu was upset over Jumman’s nomination as head Panch because he was certain that Jumman will take revenge of the judgement that Algu has given earlier.


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