English, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

can anyone explain me one poem of class 8
poem name is
This is 1 part
when you explain me this I will give 2 part ​



Answered by XxitzzurheartbeatxX

the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.

the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions."he believes that secularism means no discrimination against anybody in the name of religion"the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.

the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions."he believes that secularism means no discrimination against anybody in the name of religion"

Answered by NavyaThakral


the narrator is descirbing the incident of time when she was young and she is the consumer here

she says that when she was young and went to a grovery store she never had a ride of the trolly of that super store, she didn't use to surf around the stores like other people who were shopping there. next she says that she never made any demands about she needed this or that.

now she says i lifted and sat on a stool with my legs swinging and she used to wear a shoe which has a cloth upper and is upto the knee.

the next lines are said by the elder, her mother, that she is asked to sit quietly and a phrase is used that "nice children should be seen not heard!" this means that good kids should sit quietly that looks nice they shouldn't keep speaking.

in the next stanza she says that she is wearing a hat, and she is covered with a veil as well (it's a type of cloth) and she says my mother was treated with respect by their grocer and she has described his look, he wore an appron, bow tie and has a moustache.

Now she's describing the way her mother was treated with respect, she says that he gave her attention and often told his opinion about the weather to her mother, and then he touched different items while he measured the sugar on the scale the scale is referred to as a flat here.

then the thick squares of paper is meant by the paper he used to pack the items with and folded and tucked it's corners so it doesn't open and it became like a pouch.


hope it helps

plz mark as brainliest

it's my explanation of the poem selfwritten.

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