can anyone explain this experiment

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A process by which organic substances such as wood, coal, and oil shale are decomposed by heat in the absence of air and distilled to produce useful products such as coke, charcoal, oils, and gases. It is called destructive distillation of coal
What is destructive distillation of coal?
Destructive Distillation of Coal
When coal is heated without air, it does not burn but produces many by-products. This process of heating coal in the absence of air is called destructive distillation of coal.
The main by products are:
cokecoal taramino acid liquorcoal gas
The destructive distillation of coal can be carried out in the laboratory. The apparatus is set up as shown in the below figure.

Destructive Distillation of Coal
Finely powdered coal taken in a test tube is heated. As the coal breaks down coke, coal tar, ammonia and coal gas are produced. Coal tar collects at the bottom of the second test tube and coal gas escapes out through the side tube. The ammonia produced is absorbed in the water forming ammoniacal liquor (ammonium hydroxide). The black residue left in the 1st tube is called coke.
Coke is a fuel in its own right which can be used in homes and factories. But it is largely used as a reducing agent in the extraction of metals from their ores. It is also used in making fuel gases like water gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Another by product namely coal tar which is a mixture of different carbon compounds can be used to make soap, fats, dyes plastics perfumes, drugs, pesticides, explosives etc.
The other by product, ammonia is used for making fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, ammonium superphosphate etc.
The coal gas, also called as a town gas is a mixture of hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide which are combustible making the coal gas an excellent fuel having high calorific values.

This causes the coal to breakdown into a variety of useful products. These can be isolated and used in a variety of ways.
Destructive distillation of a ton of coal can produce 700 kg of coke, 100 liters of liquor ammonia, 50 liters of coal tar and 400 m3 of coal gas.
Coke is nearly pure carbon and is used for heating as well as reducing metals from ores.
Ammonia water is useful for household cleaning wood darkening and producing other products like formaldehyde PVC food processing ammoniated straw etc.
Coal tar is used to treat dandruff and psoriasis as well as preserve wood from rotting. It is the starting point of many pharmaceuticals. It can be applied to road surfaces to seal roads.
Prior to the development of natural gas supply and transmission—during the 1940s and 1950s in the United States and during the late 1960s and 1970s in Great Britain—virtually all gas for fuel and lighting was manufactured from coal. Town gas was supplied to households via municipally-owned piped distribution systems and used for lighting heating cooking hot water.
Ϧ០ᖰ៩ ɨƬ'ន Ϧ៩ɭᖰ ƴ០⩏
Ϧ♬⩔៩ ♬ Ɯ០⩎ᖱ៩Ʀ⨏⩏ɭ ᖱ♬ƴ
What is destructive distillation of coal?
Destructive Distillation of Coal
When coal is heated without air, it does not burn but produces many by-products. This process of heating coal in the absence of air is called destructive distillation of coal.
The main by products are:
cokecoal taramino acid liquorcoal gas
The destructive distillation of coal can be carried out in the laboratory. The apparatus is set up as shown in the below figure.

Destructive Distillation of Coal
Finely powdered coal taken in a test tube is heated. As the coal breaks down coke, coal tar, ammonia and coal gas are produced. Coal tar collects at the bottom of the second test tube and coal gas escapes out through the side tube. The ammonia produced is absorbed in the water forming ammoniacal liquor (ammonium hydroxide). The black residue left in the 1st tube is called coke.
Coke is a fuel in its own right which can be used in homes and factories. But it is largely used as a reducing agent in the extraction of metals from their ores. It is also used in making fuel gases like water gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
Another by product namely coal tar which is a mixture of different carbon compounds can be used to make soap, fats, dyes plastics perfumes, drugs, pesticides, explosives etc.
The other by product, ammonia is used for making fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, ammonium superphosphate etc.
The coal gas, also called as a town gas is a mixture of hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide which are combustible making the coal gas an excellent fuel having high calorific values.

This causes the coal to breakdown into a variety of useful products. These can be isolated and used in a variety of ways.
Destructive distillation of a ton of coal can produce 700 kg of coke, 100 liters of liquor ammonia, 50 liters of coal tar and 400 m3 of coal gas.
Coke is nearly pure carbon and is used for heating as well as reducing metals from ores.
Ammonia water is useful for household cleaning wood darkening and producing other products like formaldehyde PVC food processing ammoniated straw etc.
Coal tar is used to treat dandruff and psoriasis as well as preserve wood from rotting. It is the starting point of many pharmaceuticals. It can be applied to road surfaces to seal roads.
Prior to the development of natural gas supply and transmission—during the 1940s and 1950s in the United States and during the late 1960s and 1970s in Great Britain—virtually all gas for fuel and lighting was manufactured from coal. Town gas was supplied to households via municipally-owned piped distribution systems and used for lighting heating cooking hot water.
Ϧ០ᖰ៩ ɨƬ'ន Ϧ៩ɭᖰ ƴ០⩏
Ϧ♬⩔៩ ♬ Ɯ០⩎ᖱ៩Ʀ⨏⩏ɭ ᖱ♬ƴ
Answered by
it is the destructive distillation of coal
it is heating of coal in the absense of air
to obtain
coal tar
coal gas
ammonium liquor
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