English, asked by krab5abyksavvim5ahar, 1 year ago

Can anyone give me a speech on challenges of a working mother?


Answered by Amritas

Perhaps the biggest problem for working mothers is that they do not have enough time to spend with their children. Everyday, just before the center closed, mothers rushed in to pick up their children complaining that they had been delayed at work. Even when the mother is at home, the children are often neglected because she is too busy doing household chores to spend time with them. The children end up playing alone in their rooms and they often begin to resent the mother, even though she is doing her very best to care for them and keep them happy. I realized that finding a balance between work and family life often leaves a working mother exhausted, even to the point of risking her health.

Another problem is that working mothers do not receive enough support, either from their bosses at work or from their husbands at home. Bosses are seldom flexible when family needs clash with the companyfs needs. This seems to be especially true for working mothers. They are often told that they should choose to be either a mother or an employee, but they canft be both. As for husbands, many of them feel that their responsibilities are finished as soon as they leave work. They do not help with cooking or cleaning or caring for children, expecting the mother to do this even after she has spent a full day at her job. Such lack of support, day after day, is frustrating and leads to a poor relationship between husband and wife.

So, what are the answers to the problems endured by working mothers? Is it fair that they should give up their dreams of being both mothers and workers? I believe it would be best for society to help women achieve all the dreams they may have, rather than forcing them to choose between their dreams. The decreasing population of children in Japan, the rising number of divorces, the increase in crimes committed by Japanese youth, are only some of the problems facing our society if women do not receive help in following the dreams of being both a mother and having a career.

As for me, if given a choice between being a mother and working, I do not know which I would choose. I hope that conditions will change for working mothers before I reach that point, but one thing is clear. Working mothers need help now! It has been said that women hold up half the sky, but what will we do when that half of the sky begins to fall? If changes do not come for working mothers soon, we may all find out.

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