English, asked by sunilmrathod2565, 5 months ago

Can anyone give me Descriptive Writing Questions for practicing


Answered by BharathBangaram


. Do they understand what you mean by descriptive writing? (and can they find it?)

Here is where a mentor text will help.

Provide your students with a few texts that exemplify this.

Great examples aren’t difficult to find; the opening scenes of a dystopia novel or historical fiction text can provide you with great examples – and you only need a paragraph or two.

I have a worksheet in my resource library that you can use — grab it here.)

Go through the mentor text with your students, locating and annotating descriptive writing. I try to focus on sensory words and vivid verbs.

You can make an anchor chart as you go or just have students create their own observation notes as you analyze the text.

But don’t stop there!

Now put your students to work to find their own examples of mentor texts that “show not tell.”

They don’t have to go any further than your classroom library or their independent reading texts. Use their sentences to create a class poster of “sentences that show.”

They can also create a “sentence collector” page in their notebooks to record favorite sentences. (As a side note, this is a great opportunity to reinforce the use of quotes and citing sources!)

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