CBSE BOARD X, asked by ramavivek1428, 11 months ago

can anyone give me some tips of class 10


Answered by songoku9

How to prepare for 10th Board Exam effectively

Attempting the question paper properly in 10th board examinations can help you score high marks. Paper presentation is an important aspect and you must attempt the paper in a way that not only make an impact on the checker but also makes him read your paper easily.

Following are some points you must take care when attempting 10th board paper:

1. First read the question paper well
The first thing to do read your paper well, understand it well. When writing the answers, you first need to understand what is being asked and how much marks it contains. The answer should be written accordingly- logically and comprehensively.

2. Use the first 15 minutes effectively
You get a good 15 minutes in the beginning to read the question paper -- use this time to do just that, READ. Read all the 30 questions in 15 minutes. While reading, mark the questions into categories wise easy, manageable and tough. This is done to have an overall idea about the questions and make a rough plan.

3. Don't worry about the tough ones
The moment you find that there are a few tough questions; it is natural that you start worrying about them. This is not required and will only harm your performance.
The fact is that they may look a bit tough on the surface, but when you actually work on them you will find most of them to be much easier than they seemed. So be happy about the easy ones and don't get unduly worried about the tougher lot.

4. Prioritise your attempt
Always attempt the easy questions first and then move on to the manageable ones and ensure that you complete them before taking on the difficult ones. This will ensure that you are not leaving any question that you know.
Once you successfully attempt all the easy and manageable questions, your confidence will grow and you will be mentally ready to take on the more challenging questions.

5. Ensure speed and accuracy
Use quicker methods in calculations to ensure that you are not wasting time and your answers are correct. For example, if you make an error in the sign of a term (+/-), you may not be able to solve questions involving quadratic equations or linear equations. Therefore avoiding silly mistakes is very important to save time. Always follow the tricks we discussed in speed strategies.

6. Keep an eye on your watch
Keeping an eye on your watch is of course not to increase your stress. This is just to see that you are broadly adhering to the time allocation we discussed in the beginning. A minor variation is not at all a reason to worry.

7. Avoid thinking too much about a question
Thinking about the questions before you attempt them is essential; but not to such an extent that you waste a lot of time on one question.
Also you need not write a very lengthy answer to a question just because the question is easy and you know it very well. Remember, you need to just answer the question and nothing more. Any over-attempt will be a mere waste of time.

8. Revise your answers
Usually the question papers are set in such a way that even after attempting all the questions, students should be left with 5-10 minutes in the end to revise their answers. Do not waste your time and revise all your answers.

9. Select your options wisely
In certain questions you will be provided multiple choices. Do not hurry and make your choice smartly. Read questions carefully: Before you begin writing answer, read question carefully. See what is being asked in the question.

10. Use easy language
While writing your answer, make sure that you use easy to understand language. An examiner will rather be impressed by a conceptual answer written in simple language than with one without any conceptual language but written in flowery language.

11. Follow word count
For questions, especially in language and literature papers, where word count for the answer is provided, stick to word count. Do not over exceed the word limit. Also do not be a miser and wrap up your answer in very less word count.

12. Be neat and clean
Write your answer in a clean and legible handwriting. Not everyone has a beautiful handwriting but anyone can write answers with proper space and punctuation and in a legible handwriting. Remember that if your answer sheet is not clean and handwriting illegible, it will be unfavorable to you. Use margin wherever necessary.

13. Avoid using slangs
Remember that written English is different from spoken English. Using slang words or SMS language will be counted as spelling mistake and you will be penalized for the same.

songoku9: welcome
Answered by SohamPatil

So, you are going to appear for your 10th board exams this year [even I am going to!]  and may be wondering if it is you  possible to score 99% in your 10th class examination. Well, I would like to say you, “Yes, it is possible”.

Well, first of all remember that there is NOTHING that you CANNOT achieve. It might be a 99% in your board exams or anything else in your life, everything is possible, if you truly want to achieve it. All it takes is a lot of hard work and perseverance.

Important points to get 99% marks in your 10th Exams:

  1. DO NOT count hours, study till you understand a topic completely. As soon as you understand something, write it down in your own language to make your own notes.
  2. Important thing is the PLANNING. To make sure that you do not lose your track in between, you must have a solid plan of study. Make a plan in the very beginning and follow it for the complete year. Start off from the topics that you don’t have much confidence on. These topics are the ones, which are difficult for you to understand, to grasp and to remember. Study those topics first, keep two books with you (one rough and the other for revising it during exam). Make your own notes for the difficult topics first.
  3. The next thing is the study pattern. If you really want to achieve that 99% target, you MUST love your books. Yes, you must be completely in love with them. DO NOT take study as a burden, but try to LIKE it. Your study pattern plays a big role. Try to make your study interesting.
  4. Make a schedule (time table), which would eventually help you in tracking your completion everyday.
  5. DO NOT compromise with your health. Give enough time for other important things that you like to do like games, music, food and friends.
  6. Do not worry even if you cannot complete the syllabus in first 6 months, but make sure that you complete it twice or thrice before the exam.
  7. Before going to sleep at night, revise everything that you have studied on that day.
  8. There is NO shortcut or trick to score above 90. HARD WORK and DEDICATION is all it takes.
  9. Read each and every line of NCERT books thoroughly
  10. Practice writing the answers so that you do not face any difficulty in writing the final paper. (Remember: Nothing like written Practice)

Remember :

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."

Hope this helps!

All the best for your boards!


Soham Patil.  

[Even I am a 10th class Student and I am also appearing for boards this year]

SohamPatil: Welcome! If you liked it then please mark it as BRAINLIEST!
SohamPatil: Class 10
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