Science, asked by thunder1254, 8 months ago

Can anyone give me the answer of following questions:-

Q1) State any 2 natural phenomena explained by universal law of gravitation?

Q2) Give account for the following:-
a)On moon man feels lighter than earth.
b)Mass is scalar while weight is vector quantity.

Q3) Who found out the value of gravitational constant(g)?

Q4) What is the unit of gravitational constant(g)?

Q5) Who formulated the universal law of gravitation?

Q6) Who discovered that force is the cause of motion?

Q7) Which force causes the things to fall towards the earth?

Q8) State 2 factors on which value of 'g' depends?

Q9) In which direction do the following forces act when an object is in motion:-
a)Frictional Force
b)Gravitational Force
c)Centripetal Force?

Q10) Give one difference between Mass and Weight?​


Answered by sayanakhtar123


A1) 1. Formation of tides.

2. Force that binds us to Earth.

A2) a) Due to less gravitational force exerted by moon on man.

b) Mass do not have direction while weight has less direction.

A3) Henry Cavendish.

A4) Nm^2 kg^-2.

A5) Sir Issac Newton.

A6) Galileo Galilei.

A7) Gravitational Force.

A8) 1. Latitude of place.

2. Mass of Earth.

A9) a) Backward

b) Downward

c) Towards the centre.

A10) MASS:-} It is the measure of inertia of body.

WEIGHT:-} It is the measure of gravity.


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