English, asked by shivani0214, 1 year ago

Can anyone help me.
Plz provide me essay on ' never dream for success, work for it '.
About ( 600-700 words)❤️❤️​


Answered by ansaf51

Success eludes those who are not willing to come out of their comfort zone. As a matter of fact, we all dream of success. We all think of success. We all want success. But, not all of us work hard for it. Or, should I say not all of us are willing to work hard for it. That’s why our dream of success, continues to be just a dream.

Dreaming is important if you want to succeed - dreaming about success, but the challenge lies in having to work for that success. And, those who take up this challenge head-on are the ones who are able to succeed! Talk about the Vasco da Gamas, the Usain Bolts or the Larry Pages, they were all able to succeed in life not only because they dreamed for success, but they worked hard to make their dreams come true.

So, how can someone stop dreaming about success and start to work for it? Well, here are some tips, which can help -

Pan out what success means to you

Decide what does success mean to you? Whether it is to reach to the top designation in your organization, running a successful business, or becoming a rockstar, you need to plan your way up to the top. You cannot go about it haphazardly and think that you’ll stumble upon success automatically. You need to decide what you want and then plan your way up to the top.

No matter it is your personal life or professional, planning is an integral step. Once you have defined success in your terms, then it is time to work for it!

2. The first step is the hardest

Trust me it is. Dreaming about starting one day, and living in the fallacies that everything will fit right into its correct place when you start is the biggest mistake that we all make. Remember, success does not stop by. It does not seek you. You have to work for it. Taking that first step towards what you aspire to achieve is the hardest. But, yes once you cross it things start to feel a lot better and easier.

If you dare to dream big, you must start small. You cannot cross the pacific ocean on a single day. Yes you can board the flight and cross it, but you need to work hard to earn that. And, that’s the whole point!

4. Love what you are doing

The simplest way to become the best at your job is to love what you are doing. Don’t think of your job as something that’s thrust upon you. Think of it as something which will help you climb the ladder of success that eludes. No job is big or small, it’s your perception about it that matters. Take pride in your work and let others see that there’s no one other out there who enjoys this job more than you do.

5. Stop reacting, start responding

They say, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. This is one of the toughest lessons you need to learn in life. Remember, a situation is only as worse as your reaction to it.

It has happened with all of us - whenever a tough situation arises, we waste our energy in reacting to it, and end up exhausted. The ideal situation would be to calm yourself down, take time to understand the problem and then respond in a powerful way to change the situation. It should be you taking charge of the situation, and not the situation that’s taking charge of you!

7. Don’t give up

The most important thing I’ve saved for the last - Don’t give up!

Answered by shivamsharma31

' never dream for success, work for it ':-❤❤❤❤❤

We’ll try this as a three step process. First we’ll try to define success for a few different parts of your life. Then we’ll try to figure out what it will have to take place to determine that you have achieved success. Finally, we’ll try to figure out if you are willing to work that hard, or if it is just going to remain a day-dream.

Step one is to determine what you believe success actually is. Grab some paper and start thinking about the different aspects of your life. Work, home, friends, family, social groups, etc. What constitutes success in each of those areas, and all the other areas into which you might divide your life.

At work, do you have to be the best, or just enough to not get fired? If you don’t have a definition of success, how will you know what to do and when, right? Try to give a fairly solid answer, not something trivial, like I just used in the example.

Now that you have your life mapped out, and have definitions of success in each of them, it’s time to consider how you get from where you are to where you have defined success to reside. In other words, where is your finish line, or what is the goal for each day, month, or year?

There are some days as a parent when I consider the day a success if I haven’t killed my kids. Again, that’s a trivial answer, and your results will be in proportion to the effort you put in. If you are just day-dreaming through this process, you’re not working towards success, right?

Take a moment and go through each area of your life and write down however many ways you actually have for being successful. For work, it might be “deliver a presentation” one day, “fix a production problem” the next, and “design a new product concept” on another day. This may take a few minutes, but don’t take hours, right?

Finally, take a list of all the things you have listed as ways to achieve success in your life. Which are the most important? Put a mark of some kind next to them, so they stand out. Double check that they are things you can do, and are willing to work to accomplish.

Now scan through the rest of them and mark the ones which are long term goals, like retirement, changing careers, or getting your kids out of the house (more for those with younger kids). These will take a lot of work over a long period of time, but still need your attention, right?

Look over the list one more time, and cross out anything you really aren’t willing to work to do. I’m still not sure I’ll need to become an expert at public speaking, even though it is a measure of success in my field of expertise. I have enough other ways to consider myself successful.

What are you going to cross off your list? Try to be realistic, and not just cross out the things you don’t like, especially if it leaves you with only a very few ways to achieve success in that part of your life.

What is left on the list that hasn’t already been marked as high priority, long term, or not applicable? These are the things you can do, but are not focused on, as avenues for success. Just remember that they do exist, especially on days when your primary measure of success didn’t go as well as you would have liked.

Success is a process, not a destination, so plan to revise your list from time to time. And be sure to celebrate your successes, each and every day. Especially the small ones!

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