English, asked by loffergrtwefegi8976, 7 months ago

can anyone help me with my english



Answered by Anonymous

There was a time when things turned out unexpectedly unpleasant. It started off innocently enough with my wanting to celebrate my fifteenth birthday with my friends at home. It was to be a Friday afternoon of fun, presents and pleasant memories. I was absolutely thrilled by the prospect of my parents being still at work: there would not be any adults around to ruin your day. As I was not sure if they would approve of my plans, I decided not to broach the subject with them. I would go ahead with my party without informing them. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

One thing led to another and before I knew it, the grass was wet against my face and smeared me as I looked up. Irregular shifting shapes surrounded me in the darkness and laughter grew from one side and shimmered over my head. One of the shapes reached out and touched my shoulder - "Paula?"

The voice, incredibly loud, ricocheted inside my head. I winced and squinted to focus an the blank face, dissolving into helpless, wheezy giggles when the shape became Helen, her eyes wide and amazed.

Arms lifted me and half carried me, mumbling and weak, across the damp park. I could hear voices swirling through the vapor in my mind, some familiar, some not, some from outside, some from within.

"Drunk? She's blasted What was she doing?"

My kitchen appeared from somewhere and I was sat down, blinking in the hard electric light. I looked absently at my hands. They were bruised with the cold but I felt nothing and the uncomprehending giggling bubbled uncontrollably out of me.

The house seemed full of people. Their voices and movements blurred around me and vaguely I heard the cupboard doors open and hungry hands reach inside and take. The words asking them not to formed in my mind but diffused into confused sobbing and mumbling before they reached my mouth. I could hear pop music from somewhere and a muffled fear turned in my stomach, but then the light began to dim around the edges and the sound to spin away and darkness flowed over the


The wrenching inside my own head woke me up. Aware of a throbbing silence and, strangely, the heavy smell of paint in the room, I ached my eyes open and blinked painfully around me. The image which faced me made me recoil in horror, taking a sudden, frightened breath. The walls... oh my God the walls... paint... Random sprayed lines dribble across them, coating the ripped wallpaper as it hung like jagged leaves around me. The pounding in my head grew and my stomach tumbled as I saw the room completely now, smashed and littered, a red wine stain seeping like blood in the comer of the carpet. I sat up. spinning, trembling, my mouth horribly dry as fear burned in my throat. I walked almost dreamlike through the house as though it were some weird, undiscovered cave. It was totally unfamiliar, a sickening mixture of garish, hateful color and destruction.

What had they done? I stared disbelievingly around me, a cold numbness spreading inside me and beginning to squeeze hot tears down my face. The sweet, gluish smell of vomit grew in the hallway and as I heard the crunch of my parents car in the drive I stood, uncertain, caught between the two

As the key scraped in the lock, I wiped my eyes and, reaching down, gently picked up a torn piece of paper from the floor. I curled myself up in the comer by the stairs and pressed my face into my knees, my trembling hands tightly clutching the tiny fragment of a birthday card. Never had I thought that such a simple birthday bash could have landed me in such a mess.

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