can anyone help me with the above question?

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The solution of CuSO4 , ionization takes place due to which ions of Cu+2 and SO4-2 are formed , in the electronegative series of metals Cu is more reactive in comparison to Fe. This enables Cu to displace Fe ; the same can be summarized as under : Fe + CuSO4 = Fe SO4 + Cu ,
2 Fe + 3 CuSO4 = Fe2 ( SO4 )3 ,
Thus Cu ions f the CuSO4 solution attacks the iron pot and Fe is getting chemically corroded as Ferrous or Ferric Sulphate
Mark it Brainliest!!
so fast u typed???? genius
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Fe+CuSO4=FeSO4+ Cu
Iron displaces Copper from Copper sulphate solution and forms iron sulphate.
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