Science, asked by harrymanu306, 7 months ago

Can anyone please answer this​



Answered by adityaverma674


1) The reaction in which more reactive metal displaces less reactive metal from its respective salt.

2) a)

  • Metals are generally hard and solid while nonmetals are brittle and soft in nature.
  • Metals are malleable while non metals are not.
  • Metals are ductile in nature while non metals are not.
  • Metals are generally sonorous in nature while non metals are not.

b) Metals are generally the good conductor of heat and electricity while non metals are generally poor conductors.

3) with oxygen:- Na + O2 ===> Na2O

with water :- Na2O + H2O => 2NaOH

4) 2Na + 2HCl dil. ====> 2NaCl + H2

5) These are the metals which do not react with other element and don't corrde or acted upon by any chemical. Such metals are quite valuable like gold, platinum etc..

hope you may got it

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