Can anyone please help me with this??

Over the last decade the popularity of social networking sites has risen to a massive scale. People seem to love the idea of communicating with each other through pictures, videos, messages and voice mails than talking face to face.
It was mostly teenagers and young adults who used the social media but now, even our grandparents are catching up with the trend of following celebrities on Twitter and regularly updating their profile pictures on Facebook.
Nowadays, most of the youth spend hours on popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. Our private space has been invaded by social media, there are very few things that others cannot find out about us with a click.
Hence, the changing trend of social media! Earlier, a social networking website like Orkut was a fad amongst the youth. But slowly the interest of the youth developed and they wanted something new, that is when Mark Zuckerberg saw an opportunity in the social media market and invented a new social networking website called Facebook, taking the world by storm. His website gained popularity like an epidemic, making other social networking websites bite the dust.
Social media is a platform where the youth can form groups and discuss upon various topics ranging from music to education and politics to films. It is also an opportunity for young entrepreneurs to market their business ideas and promote them by creating a page. This helps the youth in building connections and opportunities for their career. One can showcase their talents here as well!
The internet is a place to interact with new people and a way to expose yourself to strangers. One should be cautious while using social media. There are risks of your account being hacked by someone else and they can pretend to be you by stealing your identity in the virtual world.