English, asked by Palandr9616, 11 months ago

Can anyone please write an essay on any topic and post it here as i need it tomorrow


Answered by aliyashukla
How does fashion influence on students’ lifestyle

This is an era of fashion and fashion is very influential to our lives. In fact, it adds diversity to our lives by offering an aspect of enthusiasm to strive for something new and different, otherwise it would be a monotonous life if we were supposed to dress up and act in the same manner.

Fashion is an expression of a distinctive style particularly in clothing, footwear, accessories or makeup. It belongs to the style of doing something, looking different and dealing with others. It encircles a wide range of categorization like behavior, speech, actions, manners and lifestyle. There is much intellectual discussion over fashion and clothing and their importance within present day society. Fashion and clothing can be defined as many things that hold our society together. Fashion can be defined as an existing norm or style of dress, manners and way of socializing, whereas clothing is defined as garments collectively. If fashion and clothing were eliminated from our lives there would be no room for individuality and the world’s population would be the same. There also would be a loss of the distinctions between social classes, which was much defined in the 18th century but is still present today. The eradication of fashion and clothing would also change the dynamics of the social world and social relationships.

Mod, short form of ‘modern’, refers to a youth lifestyle that came out from London during 1960s and quickly spread to other parts of the world. Being fashionable is not only desirable but also satisfying. It is very usual that the young students get attracted to fashion the most and start following the trends instantly so fashion influences our youth strongly. Fashion continually has an impact on the society. It affects our views and attitude towards social culture. We introduce new ways of lifestyle through fashion and create awareness within ourselves to reinstate a new line of customs. It is a leading social statement for students to make an outside appearance to their social circle. Malcolm Barnard says in his book Fashion as Communication, “Fashion and clothing have always been explained as forms of communication” (39). Students use fashion to exchange their feelings and beliefs. They use fashion as a way of social contact with reference to scrutiny for all sorts of people. Fashion is a way of communication to convey with the world what their personality really says.

The decade of 1920 is called the Age of Flaming Youth because of its wild and jazzy expression. In this period the energy of youth was set free in a new way and no style seemed too ridiculous to become a high fashion. Our world has globalized. Celebrities play very important role in the lives of youth. Students look up to their favorite icons to keep themselves up to date. While watching television or using internet, they can easily be attracted by a variety of fashionable concepts. Moreover, the students idealize their favorite celebrities and they always have a desire to look like them so they do their best to imitate the appearance and lifestyle of their idols. They are trying to grasp all the existing fashion from their society to enhance their personality. Whenever they socialize, they talk about new things which could be adapted. They use non-natural way of expression, speech and mannerism in their routine lives which is relatively artificial.

In my point of view, there are two categories i.e. positive and negative impact of fashion on students.

The fashion in our society has a lot of negative impact on students. They only think about new fashion and this result in spending of a large amount of money. Therefore, they are not able to become aware of other important needs of life. It always distracts them from studies. Once a style or fashion gets in a trend, it is instantly chased by student community regardless of the fact that how much hassle it leads to. On the other hand they are caught in the confusion of fashion due to impact of society. To follow a certain fashion, one has to adopt some actions and to do so some students go beyond their limits just to attract their surroundings. Eventually they become hopeless instead of being ingenious and suffered from depression for being within fashion. On the other hand, it is also a thought that the money spending on Fashion could be spent for various other purposes like charity and helping the poor. pls mark as brainliest
Answered by Anonymous

                             Value of sports and games

Human life is full of work, stress and tension. To retain this tension and live a free and happy life, we play sports and games. Sports refers to "Evolving in physical activity". Sports and games are very important for our physical, personal, mental, body and Brain development. Sports helps us to live a Fit and healthy life.

Playing sports and games make our body and mind fresh. Most important thing, our heart is strengthen after playing sports and games. Hence, Playing sports and games is one of the treatment for heart diseases. Playing sports increases our mind concentration and decision making capabilities more powerful. Our Brain is refreshed after playing sports and games.

As sports have our body's physical involvement, sports make our blood vessels clean and it reduces the fat from our body. Playing physical games also helps our body to reduce the proportion of blood from sugar. Which is very helpful preventive measure for diabetes and sugar patients.

Sports make our Heart, Lungs and External organs more strengthen. And, playing sports increases our breathing capacity ; Due to which, more oxygen is transferred in blood and more blood vessels are formed. Playing sports and games also make our Physical health fit. Our bones also get strong by playing sports and games.

Playing sports and games increases our self-confidence, Communication skill, Body figure. Sports are also helpful to take proper decisions in life and in harder situations ; Our life became more disciplined. Sports and games teaches us to dedicate patience , which is a very beneficial point. Sports also increases our Brain IQ, Thinking capacities, Concentration and various things related to brain.

There are some disadvantages of sports and games too. While playing games, our body may get harmed due to which, we can lead to serious health problems. Playing a games and sports lot can discontinues our studies and our regular life.

Sports and games are very necessary for living a healthy and fit life. But, today's people don't give there a bit of time to nature playing sports and games. Due to education, Children's are also going away from sports and games. In every school, there should be at-least 1 Hour for playing sports for students.

And, not only students, Young people have also totally discontinued sports from their life. If we regularly give our 1 Hour to sports and games, then we can live a fit and healthy life. If the people of nation will be healthy and fit, then the nation will be fit, And, if nation is fit, then the nation develops rapidly.

"Sports gives us the grandest opportunity of all to talk about reaching down and helping up or getting on somebody else’s shoulders."


                                  Gratitude is great

Gratitude is one of the best positive feeling which makes us a great person. Only 2 - 3 % of the people like saints and sages have the gratitude in their life. Successful personalities, sages, saints always gratitude to this universe, God, life, earth and almost everything. Living in the attitude of gratitude makes one happy and great personality.

As a bushiness man, we should always learn to gratitude about our father, mother, senior people and god which gave us beautiful life. Gratitude really helps one to get successful in their life. Ordinary people like us are cluttered with this life. Even, this people don't say "Thanks" to god and universe. "Saying Thanks" to god, universe and everything is kind of positive feeling; which make one happy and great personality.

Gratitude is helpful at all levels. As a student, we should adopt the attitude of gratitude in our life. We should gratitude our teachers, parents and god; this will really helpful in getting the best of education and best of life. As a part of this world, we should always gratitude our mother. Because of her only, we are part of this beautiful world. As well as god to give chance to live in this amazed world.

As a Sportsmen/Sportswomen, we should adopt the attitude of gratitude to our coach and our trainers. This can really helps them to get win in the matches and games. Living in attitude of gratitude makes us like living a spiritual life. We will be just live a life like soul and everything will be in our control......

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