English, asked by anika91, 9 months ago

can anyone please write for me a speech on cleverness of animals please tomorrow i have to tell please​


Answered by ayman63

There was a lion in a forest. He was a big, mighty lion with a terrifying look. No animal dared go near him. Not even ten mighty elephant would dare cross his way.He proclaimed an order in an assembly of animals and the order was this: ‘Each day an animal should come to my den and I will kill and eat it. No one should disobey my order. If anyone disobeys my order he will be severely punished. Remember I am the unquestioned leader. Okay?’ All the animals and birds said ‘okay’ and then they dispersed. From the next day onwards animals on turns went into the lion’s den to be killed and eaten by him. The lion fixed midday as the appropriate time for killing an animal.One day it was a rabbit’s turn. The rabbit went into the lion’s den and accosting the lion most politely told him, ‘My most respected uncle lion and I saw another lion in a well nearby. When I peeped into the well he roared and told me, ‘Tell your master I am here. I will come to his den tomorrow, fight with him and kill him.’ ‘Is it? Before he kills me I will kill him,’ said the lion very angrily. ‘Come on, lead me to the lion. Come on,’ the lion ordered the rabbit. The rabbit most politely led his uncle lion to the well. The lion sprang on the well and peeped into it. He roared. He saw his reflection and thought that there was another lion in the well. ‘You foolish lion, do you want to kill me? I will kill you now,’ so saying he jumped into the well. It was a deep well with much water. He did not find a lion there. He struggled to get out. He struggled and struggled and sank in the water. This is a story known to all.All the animals of the forest and birds praised the cleverness of the rabbit. Though a puny animal he duped a mighty lion by his cleverness.A clever person is bent on achieving success in a problematic situation. A businessman buys certain articles when they are cheap, stocks them and sells them when he can get a sizeable profit. But the businessmen should not indulge in malpractices and cheat the public. Cleverness should not be misused to gain an advantage over others. If a student prepares for his/her examination well in advance and not in the nick of time he is clever. Cleverness is a form of intelligence and cleverness is of great practical utility in day-to-day affairs.

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