English, asked by sreyamvarghese, 7 months ago

can anyone plz help me​



Answered by Anonymous

10) Identify the adverbs in the sentences given below.

a) He has slept only three hours.

Ans. only

b) We usually have chappathi at night.

Ans. usually

11) Identify the adjectives in the given sentences.

a) The child is joyful.

Ans. joyful

b) Renu has four children.

Ans. four

c.) She donated her old gold earrings.

Ans. old, gold

12) Identify the subject, object and predicate in the given sentences.

a) Rajiv and Harish went to the fashion show and photographed for an hour.

Ans. The sentence has compound subject and compound predicate.

  • Subject: Rajiv and Harish went to the fashion show
  • Object: fashion show
  • Predicate: and photographed for an hour.

b) The big, hungry, green crocodile dragged a deer from the river bank.


  • Subject: The big, hungry, green crocodile
  • Object: deer, river bank
  • Predicate: dragged a deer from the river bank

13) Apply suitable phrasal verbs.

a) They finished off all the fuel. ( finished )

b) The meeting was set back ( postponed )

c) My patience is beginning to fall through/break down. ( lose control )

14) Arrange in sequential order.

a) Sheela goes to passport office by bus. (by bus, to passport office)

b) The old Gothic large black and brown expensive door. ( the, Gothic, old, large, expensive, black and brown)

15) Correct the following sentences.

a) Arjuna had all his brothers beside himself in the Kurukshethra.

  • Arjuna had all his brothers beside himself in Kurukshethra.

b) The receptionist answered two cases and told everyone that the manger is on leave

  • The receptionist answered two of the cases and told everyone that the manger was on leave.

c) Neither of the girls in the class gave the correct answer

  • Neither of the girls in the class gave the correct answer.

16) Give two examples for be + infinitive structure.

  • I want to be a astronomer.

  • He asked me not to be late.

17) Fill in the blanks with 'be' form of the verb.

a) They have been doing the practice since two weeks.

b) Please bring the bottle is being which kept on the table.

c) Being honest, Ramu returned the lost purse.

18) Use the secondary auxiliary need in an interrogative form.

  • Do you need to work so hard?
  • Does he need to go there?


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