can anyone say how life appeared on earth?? plz...l wanna know!...thx...
Well i will take you back in time almost around 13.2 billion years when Big Bang. The Universe came into existence in microseconds all the fundamental forces such as gravity and electromagnetism and smaller nuclear forces came into being.The Universe started expanding infinitely and after around 5 billion years the first generation stars appeared these made by an hydrogen cloud these stars were the first who gave us all the metals that we see in a car today there even the heaviest or the densest elements were formed by the death of the stars and then after even more the first black holes became supermassive blackholes these are the ones that formed the galaxies.Our galaxy The Milky Way also has a supermassive blackhole named as Sagittarius A Star.Our Sun formed from an hydrogen cloud. And because of gravity all the matter in space formed planets.And all these planets arranged themselves in orbits in time the planets revolving around the sun ate up all the matter around them make themselves denser.All the bigger planets are in the outer planets and smaller planets are in the inner planets in our solar system.Now our Earth took a long time to cool down and when it did a planet size of mars hitted the earth and it shattered giving birth to our biggest satellite.The Moon and again earth gradually cooled down and our atmosphere began taking shape developing its present composition gases because of the pressure of the atmosphere water was now able to exist in liquid form on the surface of the earth and after some short time the first microorganisms appeared such as Cyanobacteria which builded up oxygen and reduced carbon dioxide after some time the bacteria evolved into multicellular organisms in two categories:Organisms which take oxygen for making energy and organisms which take carbon dioxide to make energy.These multicellular organisms also evolved into even more complex beings such as the plants and the dinosaurs.for 5 million years the dinosaurs reigned over earth until an astroid hitted the earth and triggered a series of catastrophic events which eventually led to almost wiping out of life entirely.But again the earth cooled down and life recovered but this time the beings were smaller and smarter then their previous ancestors The Dinosaurs and as evolution played its role our genetic ancestor the monkey evolved into human beings and then with time Humans gained knowledge and built this world we know live in
Note:If you want more detailed information about these events pls ask me and pls acknowledge that i dont have the exact timelines of the events that i describe