Can anyone say the easy method to memories periods table or at least first 20 elements
no their is not such type of method to memorise them
u have to learn them
have a gud day mate
I will help you.....
you need to flow the pattern everyday so you can memorize PT or at least first 20 elements as you said.
List of the First 20 Elements
You can devise your own way of memorizing the first 20 elements. It may help to associate each element with a name or a word that makes sense to you. Here are the names and symbols of the first elements. The numbers are their atomic numbers, which is how many protons are in an atom of that element.
Hydrogen - H
Helium - He
Lithium - Li
Beryllium - Be
Boron - B
Carbon - C
Nitrogen - N
Oxygen - O
Fluorine - F
Neon - Ne
Sodium - Na
Magnesium - Mg
Aluminum (or Aluminium) - Al
Silicon - Si
Phosphorus - P
Sulfur - S
Chlorine - Cl
Argon - Ar
Potassium - K
Calcium - Ca
Memorize Using Mnemonic Devices
Here is a mnemonic you can use to help make the memorization process easier. The symbols for the elements are associated with words that form a phrase. If you can remember the phrase and know the symbols for the elements then you can memorize the order of the elements.
Hi! - H
He - He
Lies - Li
Because - Be
Boys - B
Can - C
Not - N
Operate - O
Fireplaces - F
New - Ne
Nation - Na
Might - Mg
Also - Al
Sign - Si
Peace - P
Security - S
Clause - Cl
A - Ar
King - K
Can - Ca